It does not shock Indians anymore to know that, not only the Politicians, Ministers and IAS & IPS officers are corrupt but even the Judges, Professors, Doctors and NGO organisations are.
India is among the seven “most corrupt” countries in the world, according to a statistical index drawn by a German non-governmental organisation measuring perceptions of corruption in 41 countries. Corruption in India leads to promotion not prison. Corruption in India has wings not wheels. As the nation grows, the corrupt also grow along with it to invent new methods of cheating the government and public. Why is India still a “developing” country after years of independence?? The only answer is corruption! Whether it’s a village, small town or a big city, nothing ever happens in India without the lubricant of a bribe. From the labourers to contractors, police officials to judges, the government, and the so-called politicians.....all are corrupt!
It is the duty of every Indian to help curb corruption in whatever small way he/she can. We, the future of India, should never favour corruption and try to stop it wherever possible. The problem lies within us, because we are very tolerant with matters relating to corruption. If we, the 1.25 billion population of India join hands, then we can eradicate corruption from the grass-root level. It’s such a shame when we read through that India is one of the most corrupt nations in the world, but still we are very tolerant with it. Unfortunately, this view has not disturbed most of the Indians at all and they do not seem to care as to what others think of them; so long as the existing systems and practices would allow them to make money and get things done in one way or the other.
We get upset if one of our heroes does not get recognized for a Padma award during the Republic Day honours. We become disappointed if a movie showcases the reality of Mumbai slums in a picture. But, we are very tolerant when:
a) Political parties nominate people with crime record for state and national assembly.
b) Political parties use religions to divide the citizens for votes.
c) Corruption cases against politicians drag for years together in courts with no outcome.
d) Corruption cases are kept under wraps by parties in power for the purposes of electoral alliances.
e) Political parties openly give money and free gifts to voters using novel methods.
What is the effect of us being intolerant where we should be patient and tolerant? What is the effect of us being tolerant where we have to be extremely impatient and intolerant? The irony is that India is still considered to be a very religious country and it is still widely believed that religion is the basis of Indian life, thoughts and actions. This is obviously true, considering the fact that there are hundreds of temples, churches and mosques spread all over the country and they are all densely visited day in and day out by the feverishly praying Indians.
Is not religious ethos contrary to corruption and dishonest practices? The unfortunate situation in India is that those who call themselves “most religious” are often found to have indulged themselves in dishonest practices on many occasions. Several of the religious centres - of all religions - are suspected to be steeped in nepotism; as such incidents have been repeatedly published in the press.
What is very sad and extremely disquieting about this country is that Ministers suspected to be involved in murder. Chief Ministers of swindling crores of public money, Senior Police Officers of molestation charges - are all living in comforts and enjoying positions, thus effectively exposing the fact that the crusade against corruption has finally failed in India.
Even as the vicious cycle of corruption would continue with one swindling the other, there could be a number of persons who would be left out of this cycle due to inefficiency or commitment to the cause of truth and such persons would be driven down to despair.
The incidents of history indicate that some of such persons who are out of the corruption loop could take up the war against corruption at one time or the other. But, they would find that in a corruption entrenched system, they would not be able to improve the conditions. Therefore, a few of them may finally take to physical attack on corrupt and dishonest persons, leading to violence and bloodshed. Security, dogs and mere police rifles will not be able to beat down such determined crusaders.
The politicians and bureaucrats would call such crusaders as arsonists or terrorists. But, history would judge them differently. There are a number of determined isolated war groups already existing in the country and they are generally branded as terrorist groups and treated brutally by the state machinery, without investigating the reasons for their existence. One would shudder to think as what would happen to the peace of the society, if such groups would enlarge in size and number.
Those holding th
e positions of President, Prime Minister and Chief Ministers should have the wisdom to realise the potential dangers facing this corrupt ridden Indian society. They should not remain as small people who would compromise with the aspects of good governance for the sake of remaining in power for a few number of days more. Leadership is always backed by responsibilities. Leaders should always be concerned with his responsibilities to his fellow citizens and the nation as a whole. They should be the role-model for the society. But the reality is diverse.
In October 2010, Police and Income tax department caught Rs. 6.44 lacs from the Congress Party at the time of election. In April 2009, Rs. 48 lacs in Guntur town, and Rs. 10 lacs cash, liquor and sarees were seized from Praja Rajyam Party in Prakasam district (A.P.); and rupees five lacs were seized from Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) party in the same year. In April 2008, Rs. 3.21 crore poll money seized in Mandya (Karnataka). Even more than 12000 sarees were also seized; apart from crores of rupees in other states. Bhartiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Chief Minister of Karnataka was also involved in land scam case.
Now, the whole country is awestruck at the rising food prices. Price of onions is soaring high from Rs. 40 to Rs. 90 per kilogram in just 15 days. We all know that majority of the Indians are poor and many are below the poverty line, who can’t even manage one meal a day. In this situation, how can these people fill their stomach?? Is the Government showing concern towards them? The answer is obviously NO! What is our honourable Union Agriculture Minister, Sharad Pawar doing to overcome this situation? He is busy making money by exporting onions to Dubai, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Yes, this is true and the truth of Indian government! When there is a shortage in the country itself, then what is the need of exporting! Is money-making more important for our government than feeding a billion population? Since time immemorial, corruption has been killing Indians and will continue doing so if not confronted face-on.
Corruption is a cancer, which every Indian must strive to cure. Many new leaders when come into power declare their determination to eradicate corruption but soon they themselves become corrupt and start amassing huge wealth. There are many myths about corruption, which have to be exploded if we really want to combat it. And most of the people think, corruption is a way of life and nothing can be done about it; only people from under-developed or developing countries are prone to corruption. But this is not the case. We have to guard against all fallacies while planning measures to fight corruption.
Honest and dedicated persons in public life, control over electoral expenses could be the most important prescriptions to combat corruption. It has a corrosive impact on our economy; it worsens our image in the international market and leads to loss of overseas opportunities. Corruption is a global problem that all countries of the world have to confront. Solutions, however, can only be home grown. We have tolerated corruption for so long. The time has now come to root it out from its roots. If we don’t fight today then the water will pass its limit. And it becomes too difficult to combat it.
Yet, if our Government goes on neglecting the rise of corruption, then in no time the division of the country will occur and the great dream of India becoming a “developed” Nation, will only be a dream.
Source:Passion Writers
India is among the seven “most corrupt” countries in the world, according to a statistical index drawn by a German non-governmental organisation measuring perceptions of corruption in 41 countries. Corruption in India leads to promotion not prison. Corruption in India has wings not wheels. As the nation grows, the corrupt also grow along with it to invent new methods of cheating the government and public. Why is India still a “developing” country after years of independence?? The only answer is corruption! Whether it’s a village, small town or a big city, nothing ever happens in India without the lubricant of a bribe. From the labourers to contractors, police officials to judges, the government, and the so-called politicians.....all are corrupt!
It is the duty of every Indian to help curb corruption in whatever small way he/she can. We, the future of India, should never favour corruption and try to stop it wherever possible. The problem lies within us, because we are very tolerant with matters relating to corruption. If we, the 1.25 billion population of India join hands, then we can eradicate corruption from the grass-root level. It’s such a shame when we read through that India is one of the most corrupt nations in the world, but still we are very tolerant with it. Unfortunately, this view has not disturbed most of the Indians at all and they do not seem to care as to what others think of them; so long as the existing systems and practices would allow them to make money and get things done in one way or the other.
We get upset if one of our heroes does not get recognized for a Padma award during the Republic Day honours. We become disappointed if a movie showcases the reality of Mumbai slums in a picture. But, we are very tolerant when:
a) Political parties nominate people with crime record for state and national assembly.
b) Political parties use religions to divide the citizens for votes.
c) Corruption cases against politicians drag for years together in courts with no outcome.
d) Corruption cases are kept under wraps by parties in power for the purposes of electoral alliances.
e) Political parties openly give money and free gifts to voters using novel methods.
f) People in power strangle the throats of those who raise their voice against misrule.
What is the effect of us being intolerant where we should be patient and tolerant? What is the effect of us being tolerant where we have to be extremely impatient and intolerant? The irony is that India is still considered to be a very religious country and it is still widely believed that religion is the basis of Indian life, thoughts and actions. This is obviously true, considering the fact that there are hundreds of temples, churches and mosques spread all over the country and they are all densely visited day in and day out by the feverishly praying Indians.
Is not religious ethos contrary to corruption and dishonest practices? The unfortunate situation in India is that those who call themselves “most religious” are often found to have indulged themselves in dishonest practices on many occasions. Several of the religious centres - of all religions - are suspected to be steeped in nepotism; as such incidents have been repeatedly published in the press.
It does not shock Indians anymore to know that, not only the politi
cians, ministers and IAS & IPS officers are corrupt but even the judges, professors, doctors and NGO organisations are. Corruption is not only prevalent amongst rich who are greedy in spite of possessing enough, but also prevalent amongst poor. Now, what can be the future of the Indian society in such conditions? It can be only frustration, chaos, unrest and even bloodshed in the not too distant future. This kind of corruption in the national polity, public and private life cannot go on for ever, without disturbing the overall peace in the society. It is sad that those who are in charge of the nation today do not appear to realise this and still are merrily going ahead with their dealings unconcerned about the harm that it would inevitably do to the larger national cause.

What is very sad and extremely disquieting about this country is that Ministers suspected to be involved in murder. Chief Ministers of swindling crores of public money, Senior Police Officers of molestation charges - are all living in comforts and enjoying positions, thus effectively exposing the fact that the crusade against corruption has finally failed in India.
Even as the vicious cycle of corruption would continue with one swindling the other, there could be a number of persons who would be left out of this cycle due to inefficiency or commitment to the cause of truth and such persons would be driven down to despair.
The incidents of history indicate that some of such persons who are out of the corruption loop could take up the war against corruption at one time or the other. But, they would find that in a corruption entrenched system, they would not be able to improve the conditions. Therefore, a few of them may finally take to physical attack on corrupt and dishonest persons, leading to violence and bloodshed. Security, dogs and mere police rifles will not be able to beat down such determined crusaders.
The politicians and bureaucrats would call such crusaders as arsonists or terrorists. But, history would judge them differently. There are a number of determined isolated war groups already existing in the country and they are generally branded as terrorist groups and treated brutally by the state machinery, without investigating the reasons for their existence. One would shudder to think as what would happen to the peace of the society, if such groups would enlarge in size and number.
Those holding th

In October 2010, Police and Income tax department caught Rs. 6.44 lacs from the Congress Party at the time of election. In April 2009, Rs. 48 lacs in Guntur town, and Rs. 10 lacs cash, liquor and sarees were seized from Praja Rajyam Party in Prakasam district (A.P.); and rupees five lacs were seized from Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) party in the same year. In April 2008, Rs. 3.21 crore poll money seized in Mandya (Karnataka). Even more than 12000 sarees were also seized; apart from crores of rupees in other states. Bhartiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Chief Minister of Karnataka was also involved in land scam case.
Now, the whole country is awestruck at the rising food prices. Price of onions is soaring high from Rs. 40 to Rs. 90 per kilogram in just 15 days. We all know that majority of the Indians are poor and many are below the poverty line, who can’t even manage one meal a day. In this situation, how can these people fill their stomach?? Is the Government showing concern towards them? The answer is obviously NO! What is our honourable Union Agriculture Minister, Sharad Pawar doing to overcome this situation? He is busy making money by exporting onions to Dubai, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Yes, this is true and the truth of Indian government! When there is a shortage in the country itself, then what is the need of exporting! Is money-making more important for our government than feeding a billion population? Since time immemorial, corruption has been killing Indians and will continue doing so if not confronted face-on.
Corruption is a cancer, which every Indian must strive to cure. Many new leaders when come into power declare their determination to eradicate corruption but soon they themselves become corrupt and start amassing huge wealth. There are many myths about corruption, which have to be exploded if we really want to combat it. And most of the people think, corruption is a way of life and nothing can be done about it; only people from under-developed or developing countries are prone to corruption. But this is not the case. We have to guard against all fallacies while planning measures to fight corruption.
Honest and dedicated persons in public life, control over electoral expenses could be the most important prescriptions to combat corruption. It has a corrosive impact on our economy; it worsens our image in the international market and leads to loss of overseas opportunities. Corruption is a global problem that all countries of the world have to confront. Solutions, however, can only be home grown. We have tolerated corruption for so long. The time has now come to root it out from its roots. If we don’t fight today then the water will pass its limit. And it becomes too difficult to combat it.
Yet, if our Government goes on neglecting the rise of corruption, then in no time the division of the country will occur and the great dream of India becoming a “developed” Nation, will only be a dream.
Source:Passion Writers
Corruption is cancer as you mentioned in story, sure and we can't cure the ultimate solution of this corruption is to root out.
ReplyDeleteFor this, we need active, honest and passionate leader which are hardly found in india.
The problem of india is not corruption while cowardliness.
People want to keep them self away from the politics and corruption. Indian never raise the voice against them.
We have number of example in these days, who raise the voice against the corruption and people root out the corruption, major example of this is Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Libya etc.
people out raises their voice and succeeded. But indian's can write in a comment like me but can't raise voice on road.
Gandhi said, Ahinsha parmo dharma, so we follow but our corrupt men benefited of this slogan.
Now need to wipe out this slogan from the dictionary and fight against these corrupt men.
Thanking you
Mohammad Shahnawaz